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Wednesday, July 29, 2015


只有在得空到没事干才写blog吗?肤浅!有灵感就得写,你TM以为每次都有东西写吗?这样写书写歌这种工作不就很好赚?蛋都生不出一粒写个屁!So,哥的灵感,永远都是,明天考试... 虽然明天,后天,下个拜一都要考试,但是读书这种东西... 迟点先啦~ 为分数搏命这种东西ne style aniya~ 
虽然小弟发了毒誓不再看WGM,但誓言这种东西一向都是当饭吃的,有毒大个便就搞定了,天打雷劈我家的避雷针 is high quality~ 明知道是骗人的小弟还是乖乖的 spam 着看,不知不觉两个礼拜在家就是一直在看... 但那么久以来都没有一个Couple最后有在一起,我的感情就一直被欺骗着,但小弟犯贱,请继续欺骗我吧!一看就看了很多个,其中最Best的还是 LTE couple (song jaerim + kim soeun), 2young (park seyoung + jang wooyoung) and extreme (jinwoon + junhee). 其实经典的也很强,adam, dimple and nickhun+victoria,不过旧的Graphic真的烂到脸都看不清楚,好伤眼睛... 
看了很多很多集,发现了每个女生最爱的共同点不过3个... 健壮的身体,熟练的料理 + 擅长玩音乐。其实应该是帅,有钱 + 成熟的,不过上得了电视,当然是帅咯... 歌手演员,当然有钱咯... 十几岁就踏出社会,当然成熟咯... 6样东西小弟一个都没有,有个洞出来把我埋了吧... TT 不过现在最好看的还是最新的 jonghyun + seungyeon, 做到很真,发展到很美丽,假如最后你他妈没娶她我真的会被那个Script和演技Stun到傻眼节目一完两个就跟着完蛋meh,那里对得起我们这种观众,我每个礼拜就是等着看你们两个的浪漫,3个Couple一起播我Skip Skip Skip 就只看你们两个,Anime,Running Man,Digital Signal  Processing Exam,Communication System Assignment,全都丢了,就让你们欺骗我的感情,明知是个坑,傻傻踩下去,为搏君一笑~ me reli is a 白痴...

Monday, July 6, 2015


its 30 mins before i go for my data communication exam, i blog because im gan jiong? come on so nt happening, i just finish a couple series in we got married. I started it few days ago, i had very very good mood since then. This shit is addicting, surprising, and yea romantic, and i started with song jaerin and kim soeun. I change a lot after watching this, especially the word fat defined in my dictionary, i will never, ever call a girl fat again, never. And after the last episode, i what lj cb mood also gone, and i swear i will NEVER WATCH ANOTHER EPISODE of this shit, how can u mess wif people feelings just like that, 哥连夜煲煲煲到最后一集, 觉都不睡书都不温,你给我看这些?! waa, WAA, 这平复不了的心情,该如何是好... waa, really is 野不可以乱吃,戏不可以乱看, i don even wana touch pc after today, waa, mai li an dwe... its worse than watching the people die in winter sonata, or watever sadder shit u can think of, its so real, so much love, so much passion, and wala 1 mission card: "ur virtual weeding ends today?!" u guys, good job burning the card, best chemistry ever. 等下的试要怎样考?连开书的心情都没有,wah really is wat mood also dont have, dont ever try this show, i dont noe bout u, but i cant take another couple, nono!!!

slide show ^^