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Wednesday, December 10, 2014


This is the worst week ever. Because i played too much sports on the previous weekend, my whole body ache and i cant even walk properly that monday, the day end before 10pm. The next day this week hand fail to hold my treasure properly and i lost her, tuesday spoiled. My only confident subject, wednesday night test is suppose to be my mood comeback, but after that exam, i just feel worse. Today thursday is public holiday for selangor but i cant go home cos tmr night got exam. I am practically writing blog everyday because i have nothing better to do.

(huh, why dont study for tmr test?)

my beloved just died, and u ask me go study?

The only good thing that happened today is her album is out <3 amen="" dao="" dou="" everything="" forget="" goddess="" happened="" i="" let="" liao="" long="" me="" nbsp="" neck="" p="" please="" that="" this="" wait="" week="">

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


The moment of truth, is always cruel. Today is her 死亡24小时纪念日. I remember how much I abuse her, how much I hug her, I bring her to practically everywhere and I will never leave her alone, and that's the cause of her death. Your departure taught me a lot of things, awaken me up from the past and bring me to the future. A lot of times, the sweet moments shared between 2 people can only become memories, 有你一路的陪伴,心中除了感激,也没任何跟好的慰问. When you are gone, there is no more love between us, there is only sorrow and regrets. Be ensured that I wont stop at the time you left me, but that moment will not lose its value in my heart for I wont forget about it for the rest of my life, I will still learn how to love others, but I wont love another person as how I love you before, that love is for you and only you. How much help, entertainment and hard work you contributed to me, I will always, always, remember you.                                        

致我最爱的 I5

Monday, December 8, 2014


(chorus 2nd part 3.22~3.52, imagine I singing)

Thursday, December 4, 2014


Thursday's time table is the worst, 1 hour class, 2 hr break, then 2 hr class 1 hr break, tiring and boring. Eventhough the anime release is nice today, plus today is SUPPOSE to be the last day i stay here for the week.

Yea, the word is suppose, because there is a dumb exam in noon tmr zz. I hated programming, i cant understand anyshit, and microprocessor is just the mother of this shit. So now i have my 2 hour gap, i alrdy watch the new release during my previous 1 hr gap, well even u pay me to study i wont so give up on me.

I open impulsively, and the recommended anime was this, AnoHana, the flower we saw that day. I might not look like it but i am into romance series, or maybe slice of life, this type of so-call boring anime. Its only 11 episode, i have the time of my life anyway (its just a thursday) so i gave it a shot. And you know what, i was shot, KO. It is quite a famous anime, i had friends recommend me, and the ED soundtrack secret base was a hit song too few yrs back, because of all the new release i forgot about it, a 2-3 yrs old anime. The anime was beautiful, sad, lovely, 凄美 la. But its not exactly a love story, 3 guy 3 girl was together since young, and that summer, Memma died. And after a few yrs, Jintan can see her, but only he himself. While trying to grant her wish to let her rip, she help the other 5 to repair back their friendship.

Cos anaru like jintan, tsurumi like yukiatsu, but both guys like memma, and memma died, bye bye friendship. How they get back together, confess to each other, is too real.

Memma is kinda like jesus, she loves everyone, so there is quite a lot conflict between the others, every episode is cool, and the last 2 ep, shoo saaad ngai ulmost cried.

In the end, she rest in peace, successfully convey her feelings to everyone, and everyone manage to see her last moment.

Secret Base - Anohana Ed

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


1 of the day I hated most, Wednesday, stucked in the middle between the weekends, have 1 of the least anime release, disgusting time table, late classes long gap, and you know what? 1 quiz and 1 midterm, Wednesday, I m sry I cant bring myself to love you anymore. Yesterday night, hot, I slp, I sweat: this morning, cold like #$%^<, cant continue my sleep, stone til 10am for class, there goes my beautiful morning. 10-11am, now here comes my unbelievable gap, 3 hrs <3 1="" 2="" 2pm="" 40="" 45mins="" 4="" 5pm="" 6pm="" 7="" :d="" a="" anger="" another="" are="" around="" back="" balance="" better="" blank="" blog="" business="" but="" button="" can="" cant="" class="" comes="" computer="" control="" do="" don="" during="" electrical="" enough="" eq="" for="" front="" go="" gone="" gor="" hard="" harmony="" have="" here="" hour="" how="" hrs="" i="" if="" in="" iq="" is="" its="" know="" knowledge="" lab="" last="" leaving="" life="" like="" lost="" many="" midterm="" might="" most="" my="" nah="" nbsp="" negative="" never="" no="" non="" not="" now="" o0o.="" of="" ok="" only="" open="" order="" out="" p="" paper="" people="" play="" pls="" power="" question="" quiz="" rape="" release="" revision="" say="" screw="" shit.="" shit="" should="" skip="" so="" song="" state="" study="" studying="" sub="" system="" t="" tell="" that="" the="" things="" think="" this="" time="" to="" tt="" type="" u="" until="" walk="" was="" wasted="" what="" when="" y="" yao="" you="" your="" youtube="">

Saturday, November 8, 2014


despite all the bullshits i typed, i went to play basketball. life is too boring without it.
boss tanya: "mau?"
aku cakap: tak mau! tak mau!,
then the 3rd time: "ok i on wat time?"

situation is the same, this kind of teammate and that kind of opponent, again. how much shit is this getting to me, 犯贱 meh?

as usual, i try to communicate, remind, work together, but somehow thai kid can understand better compare to chinese, 吾言难明?非汝耳不鸣?! slow reaction, small processor, blind, deaf, whichever term you use, they make me wana puke. since you are alrdy an OKU, pls la, drop your ego, hold ball 1st thing, shoot, wtf zz like that waste chance, u expect me to give you the ball meh? continuous missing breaks the team streak, fire, ohm, heat, will, whatever term you use, and you lose faith, if me also dont want give you ball, til u go home also i think u wont touch the ball. shoot is 1 thing, layup somemore.

layup is the most basic, easiest, accurate technique to score GIVEN:

1) you pass through all enemy
2) you get close enough to lay the ball in to the hoop
3) if 1 & 2 is not fulfill, please be either tall/strong enough to push in

budak, depan defender dance chacha while
holding a basketball is definitely NOT passing through your enemy, and how far are you frm the damn hoop, and you really got the balls to throw it in frnt of justin. FINE, i am ready to save your ass, but justin din even give me a chance cos you did it TOO obvious and he just slam your damn ball away right in frnt of your face. suppose trial and error is a good way to improve, but by changing chacha to samba IS NOT HELPING, AT ALL. normally 1 slap is enough, wow this guy is persistence enough even i dont feel like stopping him anymore... i wanted to smacked him in the face, its not that i din tell him, like i say,  OKU, deaf, or maybe i aint persuasive enough, true, who am i to tell you facts, ok fine ignore me pls, keep doing it, i bo bat jiu kua liao.

1 game, blood rush 1 time, looks like i have very low EQ, and today i actually lost to kids, budak budak sapu depan muka aku, 何等凄惨,谁能知晓? its not that i am scare of losing, nor 输不起, but, why should i lose? if we give in everything and we still lose, its cool, i find it fun, but i gav in +10, u pour in *(-1), how much effort i put in is futile, wasted, throw off, crumble, destroyed, whichever word you find it convenient.

i had a dream, a pair of shoes, a red-white jersey, a team of friends, tons of practices, countless of victories over loss. this make me regret studying, having results, end up in a different environment. i hate studies, no matter how much i score, i wont feel happy; no matter how interesting the subject is, i wont feel like studying. these yrs, i have been dreaming, slping, farming in class, i always sit beside a plug to charge my phone, i farm every 20 mins, spacing off while troops are getting ready.

but every time before exam, when i see the price per subject, and my mum's face, i have no choice but to study. sit down on the damn chair, staring at the past yr papers, without knowing how and why, i memorize every single question and answer, 12 hr be4 i go into the damn hall. thermodynamics, i never actually understood why this formula need to be used in this situation, the teacher was very lenient in class, as long as u shut up, he dont care, so i never actually listen to him for the whole sem.(and i get my Xbows, yeah!)

my carry marks was 20.6/40, well at least got half haha for final i got a B-, 65-69, so what i get for finals is 44/60, very low marks leh?? but i only had 12 hrs excluding sleeping and eating time, and there is only 8 past year papers, the 5th question was something new so this score was expected.

so this means i will score better if i study more, but i dont like it, so fck it. i nvr actually had the balls to pursue what i loved, i missed so many things, so many chances, so many people, cos i din do it right, cos i din say it out, i realize, but i din grab it. 21 is a year that open minds, despite its open, the things which were missed will nvr come bck, the Ds i got will never turn to A, the things i said will never be forget, the actions i done will always be remember, and the things that i havent done, will still remain undone, no matter how much i redo it now.

i am too old for dreams now, should i start by throwing my old basketball shoes and gift my ball to someone?? maybe that damn jersey also, i wont be wearing it anyway. why i 去到那么尽? because i love basketball, i dont dare to love it more, but i am scared of dumping it, 这种暧昧乱伦混淆的少女心情, 真TM難明~ <3 br="">

Thursday, November 6, 2014


看着那件球衣,红十二,是我的成就。我的技术,速度,是我的努力。那粒Molten gg7, 是我的红包钱。而现在,是时候告诉自己,要收手了。听人家说,到了一定的巅峰期,就会因为闷而退出。我说,到了巅峰,怎会放弃呢?不是会更醉心吗?我的右脚,从十四岁开始到现在,扭伤不少过40次,这绝对不是夸张,严格来说,废了。左脚也有7,8次,左手肩膀也脱臼脱到没feel了,双手拇指都受过伤,脚底的水泡印到现在还隐隐约约,这是我认真,努力的过程中经过的小挫折,我没有放弃,也没有后悔。昨天下楼梯时,脚踝竟然敢敢跟我松去,从4楼的楼梯,只好一步一步地走,后悔吗?没有,但影响却多少浮现了。到了我这个水准,技术已经没有多少可以再进步的空间,唯一输人的,就是跳不高,跑不快,撑不久,撞不得。这些都是后天努力可以补回的,但我决定放弃。没有任何再让我继续执着,继续变强的理由了。那停留在我现在这个样子,有问题吗?像我这样,遇弱即赢,遇强即输,还有什么东西好玩呢?最近也让我深深体会到猪一般的队友这个句子。但我想,我当别人是猪,难道别人当我神吗?自己几多斤两自己清楚,我没有鄙视人的资格,完全没有。我自己就是一个笑话,我也没有笑人的资格,更加没有。不过我真的闷了,我若不练,就跟不上强者的对决,但继续跟这么底水准的人打球,浪费时间,还要特地配合他们,还有自己的旧伤风险,不值得。我还是很爱篮球,一个假动作向右,转身带到左边,运进去,打个两步,跳了起来,在空中闪过对手的手,轻轻地把球放上去,这是我的绝技,我最威风的招,但带有的风险,是随时得躺在床上几个月的。撞到别人就跌倒,站不稳就会扭伤,我那脆弱的左手又会脱臼,对手送我的,elbows, 等等等等。而且也没有值得我那么认真的队友,神一般的对手算得了什么?有什么assignment是容易的?神一般的功课,永远都是猪一般的队友让你得不到高分,无需自责!就,再见,篮球,这不是我第一次想quit,从来没有一次成功,但是时候开始了。

Sunday, November 2, 2014


ytd ply bball, team A gt ks, ks, pro kid + a kid, team B is me, lim, thai kid + a pro. My team gt a pro, tall, strong, accurate and calibur, good, i feel lucky. As we play, he starts to communicate, i am happy that he isnt the kind that only scores by himself, we got to do some teamplay which is fun. But we played 2 rounds, in the end i still cant understand his pattern of atkin, and i cant guard opponent pro kid which let us lose a lot of points. So here comes, pro dulan alrdy, but he din fck lim misses or thai kid misses, oni i kena. Why u pass like that? Why u din let him score? Why u din do it properly? I was like, the other 2 make more obvious and stupid mistakes why only i kena??!! I should be happy, the pro treat me as a human and want to communicate, cos i can see him treat lim and the kid as pawns, but i seriously dont know how to coordinate a guy i just met, i end up saying sry for the whole game for all the misses i made. I feel abit, 不甘愿, i have to take on opponent best scorer, and in the same time u want me to atk while our team is under height disadvantage, u urself so tall dun wan ply inside, ngai hou confuse yi sia lo. The last 5 mins i am apologizing like mad and he is still scolding me, u tell me wat to fix la, dun la just scold. The other 2 din even get a single word frm u, suddenly i feel, why i kena leh... TT this aint the 1st time, pro tends to pressure u more when u r just a little itsy bitsy more capable than others, but he din fully utilize me also, i din even gt a chance to do any of my layups, so much for communicating, hmmph! then again i am proud to be recognize, human dont speak to ant, at least i aint as insignificant as others, self consult, haiz...

Friday, October 31, 2014


寂静的夜晚,回到自己的房间,睡不着。上个月发生的事情,大事小事,好事坏事,不停回首。我有时很希望我是比较笨一点的,i mean, 已经很笨了,再笨一点的,酱就不会想那么多多余的事情。紧张Internship 的事,其实是我妈比较紧张,每半天就问一次,为了敷衍她,写了很多信给很多公司,然后昨天有Talk,我打死都不会忘记,我上个礼拜看错日期白去一次,害到我被妈Ditch去了Penang,昨天听了才知道,学校已经安排好了,那我之前写的信... 他妈的... 星期3 傍晚拿到房间,是这个月最幸运的事,我开心到雨中漫步,哪里懂拜4来个🐝探记,还要是一窝蜂,我看到时傻了眼,然而有个强大的室友,用烟熏,搞定了。此房间绝对风水不好,这房间瞬间变了我最不幸运的事... 然后我室友跟女友XxXX多没做防范,好像Kena东东,他告诉我时,手上拿着我的水壶喝着,STD 会从口水传染吗?够力... 傍晚还要去看医生,I mean 他啦,我当然没事。最开心还是回家做宅男,听歌看动漫。最近看完了 Haikyuu,热血排球,搞到我有mood试了。然后还有Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso,听到 Original 的 twinkle2 little star by Mozart, jaw drop liao 一下。还有goose house 的音乐,beautiful voices. 从上个礼拜爬完山,到现在还是不够睡,不过睡不着... 偶尔会脚软,旧伤痛,每个早上都打瞌睡,还要听那些不懂他们在讲啥的lecture, 真是头痛,想COC 3G 还要背叛我,load 到的时候轮到battery 背叛我,干... 今天被JK叫去吃晚餐,说是他生日,我本来想说是ON的,然后问有谁,全部都不熟,当然我完全没问题,不管你那一个Fm我都可以较到,不过就突然不是很想去,临时放了他鸽子。我得跟上他们的话题,同时要讲些我平时没做的东西,可能还要喝酒,sry la 就算是你生日我都没脸给,paiseh. 我整个Gang只叫我一个,应该算是荣幸,but nvm la~ thx anyway. Time to slp, november is getting cold, take care~ LOL

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Today isnt a very good day, Had basketball matches yesterday and early in the morning got awake cos of grandma, she wake me up for nth, can u believe it? There goes my beautiful morning. I dont feel good, lost 2 matches yesterday, not because of godlike enemy, u can say its because of doglike teammates. I dont like to blame, its not my style, a lost game contains everyone's mistakes and a win game builds up by everyone's contribution. At least that was what i believed. I dont feel good, its something like girls got emo for a lot of complicating stuff, guys very simple one la. I cant scold anyone, i am not qualified, i have to take this grudge and demolish it in some way, well time wash stuffs away. I also believe time change a person, i nvr ones hold grudge because somehow i believe that person will change(except 2 homosapians somewhr lost in this planet), but how long my EQ can take? I have very fckin low EQ, IQ is another story dont lump them together. I just dont have a good memory so i tend to forget things fast, thats how i balance up my lack of EQ, but how bout we try another approach? so i stop playing with u, then i dont need to be angry of you? sounds like a good approach rite? u arent wrong, ur ego is ur source of confident in shooting, ur miss is because, i duno, wind blow? sun block? hand misposition? zhong zhi is not ur fault rite? u dont owe us a sry, i understand. Its all the rebounders fault, ur miss ball we cant save, sry for not being as tall as yao ming. u din pass to us is because u were too fast when u dribble thats why u dont pause to stable urself but u choose to throw the ball up (well this can be listed in top 3 worst reasons in mankind history) stop running, stand still, look, and pass, i nvr wana say this, but how hard is it to do it? how bout i tell u wat u thinking in mind?? I, am the best shooter in the team, i give u, u will miss anyway, might as well i sendiri throw up, more chance to score?? dont need explain la, kepala u simpan apa juice aku buta meh? u wan, u shoot la, janji u masuk, tapi problem is u tak masuk, but keep shoot. Hung is the no comment guy, i keep quiet, u 2 big small mother fcker jiu keep shoot la, keep miss, but still can keep shoot, 你妈的哪来的自信. I can score, but when u pass me the ball, ur 不是很甘愿 face shown up, u know i was like, ok i giv u back, then u shoot, u miss, i am outside, ur most hansom backup is outside bro, 看谁补你的锅. canot la, i am tired of this shit, bu shuang jiu bu yao liao la, i dont mind, our trust u take for granted, we giv u the honor to be the teams main character, 不是我们不可以,是我们让你, u buang peluang, we buang u. When i type til here, i will always think, is it my fault? it might had been my fault. I cant be the one who is always right? 这时矛盾的心情打断了我的思绪, 是不是时候回房反省?  一场游戏, 何须认真? wah canot type liao, 越打越觉得自己像女人, time to stop.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Since 2 weeks ago, i have been playin basketball everyday, so my routine is, mamak eat, bball, mamak drink, if its raining, means it will become mamak eat + drink. I cant believe how many packs of maggi and how many cups of teh i drank. Even though i noe that i will die early, come on la this is not the way man. My KG is reaching 60, or it has alrdy reach and is time to exceed 60, GG. If its raining, i will be either farming in d2 or farming in COC, i think it is more tiring than last sem's finals. Time to keep fit. I called ppl for basketball later, but its gonna rain again anyway, damn monsoon season. But i ate 2 pack of maggi goreng yesterday, last time i wont feel anything but after looking at some ppl, finally i got the urge to quit mamak. So i saw yi jie in fb asking me bball this weekend, i say lets see first since its gonna rain, he say if not he will go badminton. My 1st question is: got chau? I see positive answer, so means, NO! I dont hate badminton, i rather ply wif pik yin if there is chau, rite my beloved pik?? I nvr actually cared bout the skills, its the attitude. Yesterday played dota, plyed wif my friend and his cousin, while losing, he start to blame us, blame his cousin like all mighty, yea partially is my fault, but, is time to fight :D talk about foul language frm 8 types of nation, i wont lose to him in some stupid net fight. (so childish rite guys are) jiu shi bu shuang ni luan luan diao ren, u correct dou diao dao u wrong. I got so bored until i go read back conan manga, its ending anyway, boring, case after case ppl die and die and he solve and solve, last time was refreshing, got bored. Then waiting for the animes to release, this season i am chasing almost 10 series, but 1 week 1 episode is pure hell, i even start to watch sailormoon crystal (new one), last time sailor jupiter can strike tunder one meh??! this remake is no joke!! Every morning wake up wana eat breakfast bo kaki, lazy to out so stay at home alone, then noon hav to eat mamak again, GG this is too dramatic, better go eat smthn 1st.

Thursday, October 9, 2014


很闷的一天,见书架上有本连城诀,拿来看一看。平时全字的书,我连两页都看不完就睡了。这本看了200页,不懂是我闷还是书好看。狄云,男主角,师承戚长发,绝招是躺尸剑法。那天与师妹师父参加师伯生日,得罪他儿子,在50页里面从乡下人变强奸犯,师父变杀人犯,师妹?原来是那个Pokai儿子喜欢师妹,才想尽办法搞定男主角。男主角被打到 i duno how to describe, 两条链,四头钉,一端打在双肩,另一端到脚踝,我妈的酱不如去死?! 妈的看到我全身都痛,nt even the slightest helpful, 不过我还是看下去。在牢里遇上丁典,差不多一样Case。丁典看见戚长发和另外两个同门弑师,救了老师傅,死前传他连城诀心法,神照经。然后狄云自己原来在练着连成剑法的“唐诗剑法”,怪不得自己师父要弑师,唐诗变躺尸,这么久以来学了个屁武功,哈哈。不过让我感兴趣的是丁典的爱情故事💓。他喜欢上县官的女儿,但kononnya他样子像大便,但她样子像神仙,就是都爱花,讲花可以讲到白天黑夜,讲到❤️都出来。不出奇,我朋友那是每次做工跟他Supervisor看upin and ipin看到出火花,看花看到❤️一点都不出奇, gua... 他们无所不谈,没想到他笨到跟女的讲他有神照经口诀,facepalm. 那天见家长,县官下药,GG。他就这样坐了7年的牢,每天县官都派人进去Kacau他,到狄云来了,丁典以为狄云是县官派来的,又被hentam了一番... kesian... 做男主角做到这样,Win liao lo... But每天背窗的沟渠,女的,每一天,7年,都给他换花,还对丁典笑一下,但只有一眼,即刻转头,看见条仔坐牢,可以笑得出meh... 女友为了不嫁人,自行毁容 TT 他为了让女友开心,不杀县官。连续1个礼拜,没换花,丁典beh tahan, 爆墙壁,i was like, dafaq? why dont you do it earlier? 飞到县官家,看见棺材,哭了起来。尼玛被折磨7年,女友死了,县官Sohai在棺材上放毒,丁典去kiss棺材,end of the love story. 神照经,一掌可以干掉任何人的内功心法,竟然为了一个女子,甘心坐牢,女子为了等他,甘心毁容。不用看爱情小说,看金庸就够了咯。夏雪宜温仪,郭靖黄蓉,张无忌赵敏,fuaa 韩剧日剧给我靠边去哈哈, no offence LOL

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


从tioman回来后,整个人lembik到现在才像个人样,跳码头,不够睡,淋雨,昨天还去打球,左手扭伤,还要硬硬一个手打。现在发烧,伤风,头痛,两个肩膀痛,总之就是他妈的死不去就幸运了。两天的路程,又累,又无聊。从这里去KTM TBS,坐个6小时的巴士、到柔佛等船,再坐2小时船才到。12am的巴士,睡觉时间早就报销了。到那里,下午就有Activity了,到晚上,一点都不想睡,大家讲废话到3,4Am,他妈的7Am就要去snorkelling, 下着雨去,冷到X酱,因为是朋友姑姑门下的配套,竟然带我们去6个地方潜水,不用穿救生衣也没问题,他妈的整天就给了大海。晚上又睡不着,竟得搭6Am的船,下雨,浪大,睡不着是一回事,晕船,还有人擦不懂啥X药,那个味道,加那个动摇,没吐出来真是太强大了... Well 这些都不是重点,这次Trip是我大学唯一一个最亲的朋友 chris 召我去的,有9个人,除了Chris我一个都不认识。但去到哪里,从那天搭巴士到回家,我们都没说上30句话,反而跟其他6个熟了起来。他从头到尾都跟女友在一起。不是你不可以拍拖,我也不介意你重色轻友,但尼玛的酱的女朋友,mana boleh pakai?! 24/7 抱着他,一开始你觉得他们好浪漫,看久了就是烦,Chris当然不以为然,每次想开口跟他谈天,女友就来抱抱,岔开话题。这种占有欲,好恐怖哦... 完全就想尽办法让男友隔绝,连 Chris妹妹看了都想吐,咱们哥儿都差点忍不住了。那天晚上,Chris 说配套贵了,得加RM30,食物自付,我们不了解为何食物得自付,于是就叫到房间大家一起讨论,那8婆突然敲门,走了进来,就这样抱着Chris,不是我们妒嫉,不过你他妈的还真不会选时间,金钱瓜葛,男人讲话,进来听是一回事,你来Kacau就不对,结果被我们轰走了,关门好大力... 讨论完后Chris还要飞出去哄她。Bitch Pls... 俗语说宁教人打仔,莫教人分妻,但是我身为你朋友,我会尽我所能,让你跟这缅甸八婆分手,以免你后悔一世。在大考当晚,书没读完,竟然得跟她通电到5am,过分. 他很喜欢炫耀他跟女友在床上Rock的事情,那晚追出去时,哄一哄变成了A片。我心想,有得干,你啥妹子都吃得下么?盲的都看得出你女友 abit problem lo, 如果不是因为我够友善,两天就这样自己一人过,死不死啊? Well still, 这里很美,不会后悔来。

Monday, September 15, 2014


closing exam, finally feel like studying, of course i have to study, its tmr == I am the type that needs music when i study, i open my laptop, play itunes from the 1st song. So here comes my adventure of studying, did 4 questions in a row and non of the answers are correct, either the stupid answer is wrong or i am destined to fail this shit, finally understand what is 崩溃... then this song came in. "Itsuka no tegami", sang by LiSA, funny, i never dl this song. Oh i borrowed my lap to my bro last time, this song gave me a chill throughout my vibe. I know LiSA sang "My soul Your beat" for , but somehow this song caught my attention. So i ditch the stupid thermodynamic and went youtube for a while, there goes my studies... There aint any MV or PV so i watched live,

I just wanted to cheak out how she sings, its 10 mins, so long, nvm i am gonna finish it anyway, and luckily i did, at 1st i thought the lalala for 4 mins was annoying, in the end, got love strucked by her frm 8.50 - 9.05. I never felt more grateful borrowing my laptop to others, the last scream fill a big gap in my heart i almost cried, no, i did cried. When was the last time i got so touched... F2 fish leong? omg back to studies!!!!!

Saturday, September 13, 2014


Wake up in the morning, played coc, and almost failed the attack. I feel nth, Last time i would had got so angry of myself and almost cry, now I dont give a shit. In the same time i looked at others replay, sucks, but i dont really care as well. Why should i get so angry? At first i love this game, i try to teach everyone how to play better, and i encourage people to join me and have fun. Until I realize, now, we only want to win. We all have different reasons joining this clan, some just want good donations, some want to play clan war, some just came in for fun, but in the end, there is a guy that played for fun got chased out by me. I come to realize, some things that i think is fun, might nt be so fun after all in others perspective. I took on leader position because the aim for this clan was to make new people stronger, and then i will personally pick 10 of us only, in a new clan, playing the war together. All this while every war was just mock battles to gain experience, but i got so serious... I remember the days when i was in the main clan, i was so stress because everyone wants to win, and when i screwed the last battle, i couldnt face the, and i left the clan; and the same thing just happen, when i though i am just advising them on how to get better result, I scared them away. I always thought if you can play better, you can enjoy the game more, i guess that's quite wrong. Come to think of it, if i can get better result in exams, that doesnt mean that i will enjoy studies, i dont enjoy it, thats why i dont care. Yea, so I am wrong, i think i am suppose to apologize, nvm lets saved it for nxt time. But i think i should stop pressuring members, i will be the good guy this time. "nvm, do better nxt time", "its fine, you tried your best", yea i will be the good guy, i will have my co leaders play the bad guys, oh i feel so evil~ <3 p="">

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Bm project

想到还要拿BM,我就STREES了。一上到班,我就准备发梦,然后青菜考完就行了。但事实并非如此,此BM非彼BM,第一课学的也并非啥BM,是HISTORY OF BM,尼玛的酱对我么?有四个coursework,总和60分,想说应该不难,看了一下,竟然得拍两个video,一个 poster 和一个resume。想说poster应该不会难,一开adobe就blur了;video应该还好吧?哇TMD老师要YouTube standard,想怎样?最后所有东西得弄成一个magazine。今天时due date,死死把第一个video拍完了,第二个生死未卜,poster随随便便,resume还像个人酱。OK,弄成magazine,哪里有的做?打了几十通电话,最好的那个也要明天才做得好。我在这个 project中,学会演戏,用photoshop,Edit video,打resume,做 magazine,才知道中学的课外活动有多重要。现在, 我好像一个傻海酱,一大早起身,Park在Pudu的一个停车场,前后一排printing shop,等他们开门,人生的Pek Cek 不过如此,还skip了3堂课,此时身负另一个科目的assignment DueDate,待会儿傍晚还有考试,还没读,从前天就开始熬夜,打了酱多字对面那间死人店还不要开门,此时俺再次觉得人生的PekCek莫过于此,只要坚持,就不会死!!!

aunty,天亮咯… 开门啦…

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Another bored day....

半夜2AM没东西做是很无聊的 (几点没东西做都是这样无聊的啦...), no choice, 看anime lo, thats what I always do~ 竟然发觉没东西看了, 竟然闷到去看 slam dunk. 1990 - manga, 1993 - anime, 旧, 够旧, 好懒旧. 跟kuroko no basket拿来比, 简直就是天跟地. Wait, i meant to say, slam dunk better than kuroko!! 除了graphic 跟 idea 夸张, kuroko has nothing. 100% shot midorima? god of forward aomine? super center murasakibara? mehh lan lai de?! 完全是教坏人们, 连我自己都被影响. 板后射球, zone, wat cow sit, tmd, imagination go wild only. 主角已经西北强大, 对手还要是什么什么神, 期待啥? 更厉害, 更变态的招式? 看回slam dunk, 没有飞天遁地的招式,没有帅气漂亮的画风,没有穿脚后旋的花式,只有一团火. 记得以前早上3hr 打队,中午12pm 独自射球 傍晚3hr 再打队, 还得走路回到家,脚板皮全起泡,四肢无力,吃不下饭,半夜抽筋, 现在想回, 私はバカでう!!!! 一年扭伤差不多20次,医一次几百块,现在天气凉一些双脚的脚踝都在刺痛着, 为了什么? 奖牌? 奖杯? 奖金? sry wor,  一个都没拿过, haha 惭愧.

以前, 六年前, 没有技术,唯一的武器,上篮跟速度, 只身切入,不用割完整队,两个也好,一个也好,配上一个假动作,一个jab step,不够再来一个clutch, double clutch, 进一粒球,虽然只有两分,但这是何等威风,何等刺激,何等开心!!! 三年前,开始学会传球,screens,rebound,补篮,就没有再做这种单刀直入的玩法了, 因为很笨,很危险,很累啊!! 一拿到球就传,人家的眼神就会移走,我就不用跑进来跑去,也不用被人防到要生要死, 谁拿球就谁死,恨不得把球给你,你进球是我传得好,你不进球全部全部都是你的错, 完全被那个死人chau mind fck 了( 就是要赖他,吹么? ) 当年的火就这样活埋了,一直传,传,你强不强没关系,给你就对了,你进不进都不关我的事,传高球,传过脚底,背后传,关着眼睛传都做过,你拿到球我就 mission accomplish. 近几年来跟人打1 on 1,从来没有赢过了, 没人可以依赖,没人可以信赖,没人可以帮忙,就得靠自己了. 射,不进;上,不到, ok, 输了.  想下想下,  输就输咯, basketball is all about teamwork, 只要有射手或篮板手,我就为他screen,再把球传给他,就行了, 一组不用两个射手,反正一山也藏不了二虎,一个屁股也不用坐到两张椅子!!! 这时就遇到这种情况,假如整组最强是我,而这时我却依赖他们,当他们依赖回我时,我... 却连最普通的射球都进不了. 看见自己犯的是这种低级的错误,讲真以前都不吊,come on just a game bro, 你们不进你们错啦,我平时跟我的朋友打,他们帮我搞定,我只是负责帮忙罢了. 这一年在学校对面打,都是中学生,所以水准都不会很高,但却天天都在输,可能不是全因为我,但我就是贡献不了.... 整年打assists, 想自己来却没有实力, 失去了team mates 对我的信心, 也失去了junior对我的尊重.


连一场游戏都搞不好,人生? 梦想? 你妈的靠边去,让我在球场上先找回我自己,我回来再跟你们算, 不是最原始的那个独吃鬼,我不要做什么上篮神,更不要做传球手, 我要做自己, 不要做到有你就赢没你就输,更不要做到有你没有你赢输没要紧, 我要做那个每个都想跟我一起玩的,一起赢,一起输,的那个,还没找到,我还有时间,让我看完这出常年老片,再继续自我找寻吧! 


Sunday, July 20, 2014

A beautifully screwed Sunday

Sunday is suppose to be a very beautiful day, there should be butterflies flying around the colourful flowers on the field. But instead I am in the fckin library, doing a fckin midterm paper, with no fckin aircond inside. Dah la xtau buat, panas lagi, tension sial. Looking at da damn paper, I look back to the past, the days of happiness in college, no I aint happy with Alvl papers, lets go abit secondary school, sial 10 subject xda pa yg I nk remember!! futher...primary school, gt da devil be my class teacher, sial 上加 sial...kindergarden, yes, beautiful, no exam, 吃饱睡,睡饱吃,不用烦钱又不用烦人, after I finish my flashbacks, I finish up the conclusion for the questions(its maths you know, what conclusion you wana make...), and walk out like a boss. Its abit early... hmm... like i care, 知らない~ My day alrdy spoil, to prevent futher destruction of this gorgeous sunday, this is the best solution, yea :D (this is the most nt convincing self consulting ever) and i walk out 1 and a half hour early(yes its abit too early, i realize that only after i walk out), looking at the hot sun, and imagining my score... it cant be too bad... i guess...

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Pek Cek の学校人生

日子一天一天地过,第一个月都还没过,总共已经吃了7个quiz,pending 3 个assignment,所有test1的日期ham ba lang 出来了,就你他妈的现在想怎样?就算是小学科学不读也是会死好不好?!尼玛就酱一直连续不断机枪扫射,我妈的连上厕所射一射的时间都要想下,我只有这学期做完了每一份的tutorial,就算每个quiz都考满分,我还是不开心,那得满分的过程like 屎only,可能我不读玩多一点我的生活会好过些,那烟霾来袭,已搞得我无法喘息,还要给钱上学找屎,搞得暗疮四射,睡眠不足,没时间打球,没时间打机,还要没人召唱K,你讲闲不闲?回去招打球只有被Reject,召我出门打机喝茶我说拜托,我只有1礼拜1天半的时间在家,不是打球唱K我还真是吊你都不得空,最近总结了只有唱K才可以解压,打机打球不是我气死你,就是我被你气死。讲真来我家玩我是不介意的,你Pukimak要带Chau来再得空我都不吊你。不过其实再不得空,这种东西都是Depends,我的Gay马来老师教,tiada apa benda kat dunia ni sudah FIX, kalau awak tak cuba awak tak kan dapat, 就算被皇帝判了死刑,那把刀还没砍下去,那个颈还没吊上去,就不能放弃。老师啊,虽然你是Gay,但是我后悔没早点上你的课,但是因为你是 Gay,所以假如你讲要加分去你房间见你的话,我是打死也不会去的,谢谢老师。迷迷糊糊浮过了三个学期,才逐逐渐渐感受到大学的压力,是很迟,还是及时?

Saturday, May 24, 2014


这一生人认识到你,毁了。自大,自满,自负,自夸,自私,自立,自我中心,想什么都只是为了你自己。我们有超过十五年的友情,但你对我,好像是你自己的宠物这样,不停地玩弄。你用别人的电话胡乱发短信,你觉得你对吗?有什么理由让你做起这样侵犯的事吗?我说过你可以这样吗?就是说假如是我也可以这样对你?就算可以,如此卑鄙,我做不出。在你家没logout面子书账号,你不能帮手吗?你就算看了任何东西也没关系,你就这样看了几个月现场的聊天,你开心?我一点也不开心,你要看我的东西我还没那么介意,但我跟别人聊天你一看就是两个人的私隐。假如不是我,换作别人,你应该早就被人打了吧?说话带刺,不融入,又没意思,好笑吗?你从来就没有讲过任何我觉得有兴趣的东西,每次找你都没有一次可以开心地收场。你讲话针对非重点,但句句刺心,不留余地。玩游戏是为了开心,但不是你一个人开心就可以,每次和你玩,输赢我都不开心,是真的一点都不开心。doTA?我们是朋友,你想怎样玩你就说嘛,选个initiator tanker 学人玩 carry,不是不可以,只是场上有2个hard和semi了,你就不能做回你的工作吗?你不要?没关系,我愿意,但我只是叫你买个ward给我,我需要,又没钱,讲真的你一次Midas就过两百金,真的那么难吗?好一开始你说Septer出着,我等。等到你Assult Dadaelus 都来了,我不耐烦地问了一句,你可以买吗?你竟然说玩得好好的,买什么 ward?兄弟叫你Sponser个两百,你需要酱多推搪吗?要酱多Pattern么?但看我们之间认识那么久,就解释了一下,假如我没买那么多ward,你 Gem riki?那假如我出到Linken,我就不用死那么多次啦!你竟然回答,so now u feed is my fault? 不要就不要,我还真的不稀罕。都不懂,你想怎样?讲真的,你Gang多点,我们需要拖62分钟才可以赢?你就只是Farm啊!你 farm到肥肥开心吗?去玩farmville2 啦!可能你很开心,但对不起,我akasha ward到很累,62分钟我巴不得直接leave!篮球,你要打,就请你打好来。我也没约你,是你一直说要打,我才叫几个人出来跟你打。你打球也是一个模样,只会耍一些无聊的招式,你难道那么不行吗?你比我早开始,会的东西比我多,但却连篮低没人接近你也不能把球捉好,跟你一组也是让人不开心。你拿球,我即刻跑进去帮你,是我的责任,你传或射我接不接到都无怨言,你竟然原地把球往上丢?什么意思?我也很冷静地问,你说:你看不到我在跟人家讲话么?你是来打球的吗?热情努力已经没有了,那一点认真你都没法放出来,你以后找我打球你觉得我还回去吗?出街也是,跟你吃个饭也是麻烦到要死,说什么随便,人家所有的建议你都无限否认,然后自己说了你想要的地方。你要吃那里,你就讲啦?很难么?跟你沟通也很辛苦,你问我东西,就简单的,你昨晚没回我信息,你在做什么?我回答:我不得空。你还要问:你做什么? 好,我答:吃饭。你还要问:跟谁?伟鸿吗?诶拜托,关你屁事?我就算是因为不想回你信息,你可以拿我怎样?你昨天想讲的你就讲啦,没有东西就算了啦!你还想怎样?我跟家人吃饭不得空都得通知你吗?话题,我们之间可以讲很多东西。你要谈电玩,电影,学业,运动,爱情我都可以奉陪,但你就净问废话,然后一直钻牛角尖。你去学校要多久?我说40分钟左右。要用多少格油,我说一格吧!你就来了:怎么可能?一格哪里够?我去我学校去都要两格、你那边更远 bla bla bla, 还是那句,关你霖吊?你要去吗?又不是,那你一直这样挑我的话题有什么用?可能是我看错,那又怎样?问一个你已知道答案的问题,你那里爽?我要应付你,我才真的很懒不爽!接你一个电话弄死我多少脑细胞!行为动作也是猥琐,以前上个厕所一直在人家解放时打人屁股,我大个便你也要拿电话伸到门下从下面拍,我都不懂你的脑袋是不是坏了?你想拍什么?讲我变态乱摸女生的话,至少我知道我在做什么,你那一次,不只一次,究竟在做什么?你很开心吗?抱歉,我那天便也大不出,我在厕所里笑也笑不出,就连你的朋友在隔壁看你这样大笑也不懂你在笑什么。就连交通,我们一起上学的一年半,你的家来载我去学校完全是顺路,为什么你要我驾车去你家,你脑子坏了是吗?我那天听了你这样讲,我第二天6AM醒自己去,睬你都傻。还记得昨天打球,跟你一组的人从来没赢过,输了你也有错,因为你懒到只站外线,射进个8,9分就自以为是,你有赢吗?还要赖别人差,你的篮低只有kit一人守着,但外线站三人,你不能进去帮一帮吗?五年的友情你忍心让你朋友一人在里面被人撞吗?你是不会,还是不要?过后高手来了,你这个毫无付出的家伙轻浮地叫我们跟你一起打,在我眼里简直就是从4对4变成3对4,你明明什么都不做,但却一直叫累,假如给你球时你若失手,那不就是Rasuah?简直就是3对5?酱不要脸,你开心?当然,你就站在哪儿等球射,进球功劳归你,不进若我们没救回就是我们的错,谁要跟你打?十五年友情,对你来说是什么?在你眼里,朋友是这样给你玩的吗?你偷看我FB现场的chat box那么久,我不爽你的东西向别人倾诉时,你没看见吗?还是你懂你不要改?我的底线本来已经很深了,被你这样弄了,变得更深,但你还是有本事踩过我的底线,这十五年的友情我不要了,你自己收着吧,机会给够你,骂也骂够,解释也解释过,你不改,就fck u一句留给你,你拾衣啦!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Finally holiday is gonna end...

2 months, it was slow at 1st, but when i realize its alrdy mid-may, i suddenly remember c = 3 x 10^8... 16/5 was teachers day, well i dont give a shit but its also my last day working, mixed feelings, i dont enjoy working but i dont feel like leaving, and when i realized my favourite isnt here it just make me lagi sad, that damn guy left 2 weeks ago without telling and i had to sub him, well he did widen my area but pulling me away frm her, u sinful bitch! well its nt like i am any diff, i din leave a word as well... its for the best, somemore i am just too busy... doing double paid terrible.. its my farking last day, and i am busier than ever, nice one, i cant even hav a good chat wif anyone, my fav no.1 din came, my 2nd fav lost her book 24/7 bad mood, and bastards kepung me wif all the god damn books, come on boss, its friday, lets finish the work tomoro, or sunday, niama monday morning oni do also can lo, i be4 past up 5 mins also can finish la, sai mm sai settle everythn today orr?? nvm, today is the day i be bad :D u ask me ques i str giv u ans, me good leh?? alrdy doin like this, i still cant finish everythn be4 7pm, lj teachers, dont u understand the more u give the more u need to mark?? and so my last day ended wif all piles of works, i dun even gt the slight time to harass me favs, this leave a dot for my 2 months, u ask me is it a nice job? i would say no, 1st, homeworks, i wan do i jiu do lo, i dunwan do i jiu copy lo, if no time copy then dun pass up la, as simple as this, but here ppl treat homework godly, i see a top student kena rotan (gao gao one) 5 strokes frm 3 teacher cos his homework gt a bit mistake, i told my mum and my mum was so guilty cos how she fckin kiss me wif the kuey tiaos last time and she ask me to sue her (=.=lll...) if u ply wif them, u gain trust but u lose respect, which is very bad cos they started telling me they fckin pee in their pants last night and i was like... and the older ones will be talking bout... 18sx stuff and i was like... (0.0...) their works are simple but fckin many la, its alrdy reaching much, niama wtf i nid to learn science, geo, moral, sejarah (fck), kemahiran hidup (fck x2), now even 2x3 and 3x2 is diff, kepong 1 and kepong 2 is also splitting liao, standard 3 is learning fractions and standard 1 learning carbohydrates.... today 1 of the homework was cheaking a past year UPSR exam, year 2005 cina, so fckin nostalgic until i cant remember which fckin question i chose, then i ask him can i dont cheak? he adorably answer yes, and  :"wif my standard, i get full marks teacher also wont believe la" wah got future (Y) when i giv answers to the kid, he ask :"teacher, x blh mcm ni la!!" i ask bck, then u mau atau x mau??? he rampas my book and run away, so honest :D anlah imma miss the days teasing them, i almost cubit every single students face and whack their heads wif a text book, wat an accomplishment... but sad why u no come la... kesian i miss u so much... wait til monday u ppl ask, eh whr that teacher go liao?? think sia also sad, duno gt student will cry for me or nt leh?? haha, wan do dao qiao qiao de zou, bu dai zou yi pian yun cai is very hard la, at least ngai zuo bu dao, "在困境中找到乐趣" has always been my motto of life, wan me be like robot go there do work then ciao, インポッシブル! but now wan leave liao oni come ah zhi ah zhor, this is so nt my style... to me is last day, those teachers got saturday, sunday, and a lot more days to go, whr got time diao me leh?? well i definitely din enjoy my last day, feeling down, gonna miss her face... why u no come zz i wana see her grow, mark all her books, listen to all her craps, but i wont be goin back, they say kids are heartless, brain so small, 70% of the things happen last time i also forget la.. i remember u, u might forget bout me alrdy, but if she remembers bout me and you, those days of memory were alive, and its worth even though we both forgot bout each other, old days pass, new days come, create and preserve shall keep my days calm.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

bored, so....

       四个月假期,漫长,无聊,妈说我应该找intern,我说 a bit hard and a bit late la, 她竟然可以每一个小时烦我一次,每半天骂我一次,每一天敲我一次?! i was like, fck it, 你叫我做什么我就做什么啦!! 我从 1st march 每一天不停地找intern, 打电话打到要讲什么都可以背到了, 不过真的有点迟了,加上运气还真烂, 没有真的是没有, 要找两个月半的更难, 开着电脑QtabWpoof了几个钟, 在钢琴上同一set的chord弹上一个小时, 在院子里拿着篮球反身穿脚转身运足一个钟, 到最后对着键盘黑白键篮球发呆, 才看清我这一生,原来是如此的单调, 我以前究竟在做什么, 我以前究竟做了什么, 我, 还能再做什么.....

       虽然很单调, 但我对它们的热情永不熄灭, 每天我都一直重复, 但毕竟是一个人.... 有些pukimak act乖跟我说quit d2 quit bball, 记得当年我们连钱都不会farm, 一出街即被杀, 但还是非常不要脸地一起打, 现在一开机, steam chat 空空, 连FB也是空空, 一打机就吵架, 一输球就骂架, 都没有人要讲我,我就讲人咯! 然后就这样已经越来越少人,搞到最后没有人.

       那天我生日, 但我从来就没有开心过, 每年生日我都在避难, 但今年就好象有点太平静, 还有礼物收, 是我早已忘记了的感觉. 但一回到家, 我妈的完全不给面子地一烦一骂一敲, ngai is dulan dao @!#$%^&*(. 就这时我表妹说她朋友在超级补习中心教书,那里不够助教, 我即刻驾车去metro prima 面试, 一回家就叫我老母收声, 然后我的生日就愉快地过完了.

       eh wtf, then i have to work liao lo?! 还要是时间长工资低, 其实我的工作是做什么我都没有搞清楚 =.= 就这样blur sia blur sia 去了.... 内容很简单,7-12岁, bag open, homework out, finish give me, cheak liao 出去. 这样简单怪不得这样少钱...

       好像很无聊, 其实很爽一下, 我的称呼是用您, 第一次这样被叫毛都起完上来, 然后每一个可是站着给你敲,没礼貌就等下吃藤条. 整班被打到哭, 那么壮观的一面, 我以为过了那段日子就不会再看见了. 看着甲二功课簿上级任老师的名字, 各各熟口熟面, 脑海每天都浮着那些年的画面. 一打铃,什么鬼书先塞进那大大的书包,冲出课室, 看着他们脸上的笑容, 我以前放学有那么开心吗??

      看他们做不完功课,我有一种无明的感触; 听着他们的话题, 我感受到阵阵的怀念; 看到那个学生罚抄,我feel到无比的悲伤; 看到那个女同学帮那个男同学时,我幼稚地取笑他们, 然后想下想下, 想巴回我自己, 明天还是去道歉比较好... 没老师时那无法控制的声音,老师一进来全班diam掉的声音; 借笔芯, 借尺, 借胶擦, 借颜色笔, 借到不见去; 参考资料,日记,生字,笔顺,听写还有默写; 贩卖部,食堂,通告处,礼堂,还有每个拜一要交的那个死人周会记录簿. 我念旧吗? 不不不, 只是对每一个都有如此深刻的印象, 具体的回忆.

      "老师你几岁了?" 很年轻罢了. 我三年级的时候你刚出sh.....

       ok la, 老了.

(p/s: post the word that remind u most of ur S1~6 life in fb to me, for me is "罚抄")


Saturday, March 29, 2014

A bit too bored, yea, just a bit....

Holiday should be a very beautiful thing, can relax, can chill,
can DONT TOUCH BOOKS (yes la, main point).

but when your holiday is too long.....

and all your friend's holiday diff frm u....

and u dont have a gf....

alrdy reach dao:
dota alone,
bball alone,
mamak alone,
watch porn alone, (this one always alone de la :D)
watch korean drama
的地步 liao...
this holiday, 我不要咯~!

so? i go work :D
weekdays everyday do same thing
wake, work, eat, sleep

how bout shit?
sometimes lo

so tiring, i want a holiday!!!

                                                    (**ngai fan jian, u chui meh??**)

today is saturday
bball?       done
d2?          done
mamak?   done
porn?       done
korean drama?? (suan liao la...)

so boring, i want to work!!!

                                                                     (**diam la**)

So, i typed this shit, =D
what a life, HAHAHAHA
did i waste you time reading this??

slide show ^^