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Saturday, May 24, 2014


这一生人认识到你,毁了。自大,自满,自负,自夸,自私,自立,自我中心,想什么都只是为了你自己。我们有超过十五年的友情,但你对我,好像是你自己的宠物这样,不停地玩弄。你用别人的电话胡乱发短信,你觉得你对吗?有什么理由让你做起这样侵犯的事吗?我说过你可以这样吗?就是说假如是我也可以这样对你?就算可以,如此卑鄙,我做不出。在你家没logout面子书账号,你不能帮手吗?你就算看了任何东西也没关系,你就这样看了几个月现场的聊天,你开心?我一点也不开心,你要看我的东西我还没那么介意,但我跟别人聊天你一看就是两个人的私隐。假如不是我,换作别人,你应该早就被人打了吧?说话带刺,不融入,又没意思,好笑吗?你从来就没有讲过任何我觉得有兴趣的东西,每次找你都没有一次可以开心地收场。你讲话针对非重点,但句句刺心,不留余地。玩游戏是为了开心,但不是你一个人开心就可以,每次和你玩,输赢我都不开心,是真的一点都不开心。doTA?我们是朋友,你想怎样玩你就说嘛,选个initiator tanker 学人玩 carry,不是不可以,只是场上有2个hard和semi了,你就不能做回你的工作吗?你不要?没关系,我愿意,但我只是叫你买个ward给我,我需要,又没钱,讲真的你一次Midas就过两百金,真的那么难吗?好一开始你说Septer出着,我等。等到你Assult Dadaelus 都来了,我不耐烦地问了一句,你可以买吗?你竟然说玩得好好的,买什么 ward?兄弟叫你Sponser个两百,你需要酱多推搪吗?要酱多Pattern么?但看我们之间认识那么久,就解释了一下,假如我没买那么多ward,你 Gem riki?那假如我出到Linken,我就不用死那么多次啦!你竟然回答,so now u feed is my fault? 不要就不要,我还真的不稀罕。都不懂,你想怎样?讲真的,你Gang多点,我们需要拖62分钟才可以赢?你就只是Farm啊!你 farm到肥肥开心吗?去玩farmville2 啦!可能你很开心,但对不起,我akasha ward到很累,62分钟我巴不得直接leave!篮球,你要打,就请你打好来。我也没约你,是你一直说要打,我才叫几个人出来跟你打。你打球也是一个模样,只会耍一些无聊的招式,你难道那么不行吗?你比我早开始,会的东西比我多,但却连篮低没人接近你也不能把球捉好,跟你一组也是让人不开心。你拿球,我即刻跑进去帮你,是我的责任,你传或射我接不接到都无怨言,你竟然原地把球往上丢?什么意思?我也很冷静地问,你说:你看不到我在跟人家讲话么?你是来打球的吗?热情努力已经没有了,那一点认真你都没法放出来,你以后找我打球你觉得我还回去吗?出街也是,跟你吃个饭也是麻烦到要死,说什么随便,人家所有的建议你都无限否认,然后自己说了你想要的地方。你要吃那里,你就讲啦?很难么?跟你沟通也很辛苦,你问我东西,就简单的,你昨晚没回我信息,你在做什么?我回答:我不得空。你还要问:你做什么? 好,我答:吃饭。你还要问:跟谁?伟鸿吗?诶拜托,关你屁事?我就算是因为不想回你信息,你可以拿我怎样?你昨天想讲的你就讲啦,没有东西就算了啦!你还想怎样?我跟家人吃饭不得空都得通知你吗?话题,我们之间可以讲很多东西。你要谈电玩,电影,学业,运动,爱情我都可以奉陪,但你就净问废话,然后一直钻牛角尖。你去学校要多久?我说40分钟左右。要用多少格油,我说一格吧!你就来了:怎么可能?一格哪里够?我去我学校去都要两格、你那边更远 bla bla bla, 还是那句,关你霖吊?你要去吗?又不是,那你一直这样挑我的话题有什么用?可能是我看错,那又怎样?问一个你已知道答案的问题,你那里爽?我要应付你,我才真的很懒不爽!接你一个电话弄死我多少脑细胞!行为动作也是猥琐,以前上个厕所一直在人家解放时打人屁股,我大个便你也要拿电话伸到门下从下面拍,我都不懂你的脑袋是不是坏了?你想拍什么?讲我变态乱摸女生的话,至少我知道我在做什么,你那一次,不只一次,究竟在做什么?你很开心吗?抱歉,我那天便也大不出,我在厕所里笑也笑不出,就连你的朋友在隔壁看你这样大笑也不懂你在笑什么。就连交通,我们一起上学的一年半,你的家来载我去学校完全是顺路,为什么你要我驾车去你家,你脑子坏了是吗?我那天听了你这样讲,我第二天6AM醒自己去,睬你都傻。还记得昨天打球,跟你一组的人从来没赢过,输了你也有错,因为你懒到只站外线,射进个8,9分就自以为是,你有赢吗?还要赖别人差,你的篮低只有kit一人守着,但外线站三人,你不能进去帮一帮吗?五年的友情你忍心让你朋友一人在里面被人撞吗?你是不会,还是不要?过后高手来了,你这个毫无付出的家伙轻浮地叫我们跟你一起打,在我眼里简直就是从4对4变成3对4,你明明什么都不做,但却一直叫累,假如给你球时你若失手,那不就是Rasuah?简直就是3对5?酱不要脸,你开心?当然,你就站在哪儿等球射,进球功劳归你,不进若我们没救回就是我们的错,谁要跟你打?十五年友情,对你来说是什么?在你眼里,朋友是这样给你玩的吗?你偷看我FB现场的chat box那么久,我不爽你的东西向别人倾诉时,你没看见吗?还是你懂你不要改?我的底线本来已经很深了,被你这样弄了,变得更深,但你还是有本事踩过我的底线,这十五年的友情我不要了,你自己收着吧,机会给够你,骂也骂够,解释也解释过,你不改,就fck u一句留给你,你拾衣啦!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Finally holiday is gonna end...

2 months, it was slow at 1st, but when i realize its alrdy mid-may, i suddenly remember c = 3 x 10^8... 16/5 was teachers day, well i dont give a shit but its also my last day working, mixed feelings, i dont enjoy working but i dont feel like leaving, and when i realized my favourite isnt here it just make me lagi sad, that damn guy left 2 weeks ago without telling and i had to sub him, well he did widen my area but pulling me away frm her, u sinful bitch! well its nt like i am any diff, i din leave a word as well... its for the best, somemore i am just too busy... doing double paid terrible.. its my farking last day, and i am busier than ever, nice one, i cant even hav a good chat wif anyone, my fav no.1 din came, my 2nd fav lost her book 24/7 bad mood, and bastards kepung me wif all the god damn books, come on boss, its friday, lets finish the work tomoro, or sunday, niama monday morning oni do also can lo, i be4 past up 5 mins also can finish la, sai mm sai settle everythn today orr?? nvm, today is the day i be bad :D u ask me ques i str giv u ans, me good leh?? alrdy doin like this, i still cant finish everythn be4 7pm, lj teachers, dont u understand the more u give the more u need to mark?? and so my last day ended wif all piles of works, i dun even gt the slight time to harass me favs, this leave a dot for my 2 months, u ask me is it a nice job? i would say no, 1st, homeworks, i wan do i jiu do lo, i dunwan do i jiu copy lo, if no time copy then dun pass up la, as simple as this, but here ppl treat homework godly, i see a top student kena rotan (gao gao one) 5 strokes frm 3 teacher cos his homework gt a bit mistake, i told my mum and my mum was so guilty cos how she fckin kiss me wif the kuey tiaos last time and she ask me to sue her (=.=lll...) if u ply wif them, u gain trust but u lose respect, which is very bad cos they started telling me they fckin pee in their pants last night and i was like... and the older ones will be talking bout... 18sx stuff and i was like... (0.0...) their works are simple but fckin many la, its alrdy reaching much, niama wtf i nid to learn science, geo, moral, sejarah (fck), kemahiran hidup (fck x2), now even 2x3 and 3x2 is diff, kepong 1 and kepong 2 is also splitting liao, standard 3 is learning fractions and standard 1 learning carbohydrates.... today 1 of the homework was cheaking a past year UPSR exam, year 2005 cina, so fckin nostalgic until i cant remember which fckin question i chose, then i ask him can i dont cheak? he adorably answer yes, and  :"wif my standard, i get full marks teacher also wont believe la" wah got future (Y) when i giv answers to the kid, he ask :"teacher, x blh mcm ni la!!" i ask bck, then u mau atau x mau??? he rampas my book and run away, so honest :D anlah imma miss the days teasing them, i almost cubit every single students face and whack their heads wif a text book, wat an accomplishment... but sad why u no come la... kesian i miss u so much... wait til monday u ppl ask, eh whr that teacher go liao?? think sia also sad, duno gt student will cry for me or nt leh?? haha, wan do dao qiao qiao de zou, bu dai zou yi pian yun cai is very hard la, at least ngai zuo bu dao, "在困境中找到乐趣" has always been my motto of life, wan me be like robot go there do work then ciao, インポッシブル! but now wan leave liao oni come ah zhi ah zhor, this is so nt my style... to me is last day, those teachers got saturday, sunday, and a lot more days to go, whr got time diao me leh?? well i definitely din enjoy my last day, feeling down, gonna miss her face... why u no come zz i wana see her grow, mark all her books, listen to all her craps, but i wont be goin back, they say kids are heartless, brain so small, 70% of the things happen last time i also forget la.. i remember u, u might forget bout me alrdy, but if she remembers bout me and you, those days of memory were alive, and its worth even though we both forgot bout each other, old days pass, new days come, create and preserve shall keep my days calm.

slide show ^^