This is the worst week ever. Because i played too much sports on the previous weekend, my whole body ache and i cant even walk properly that monday, the day end before 10pm. The next day this week hand fail to hold my treasure properly and i lost her, tuesday spoiled. My only confident subject, wednesday night test is suppose to be my mood comeback, but after that exam, i just feel worse. Today thursday is public holiday for selangor but i cant go home cos tmr night got exam. I am practically writing blog everyday because i have nothing better to do.
(huh, why dont study for tmr test?)
my beloved just died, and u ask me go study?
The only good thing that happened today is her album is out <3 amen="" dao="" dou="" everything="" forget="" goddess="" happened="" i="" let="" liao="" long="" me="" nbsp="" neck="" p="" please="" that="" this="" wait="" week="">3>
The moment of truth, is always cruel. Today is her 死亡24小时纪念日. I remember how much I abuse her, how much I hug her, I bring her to practically everywhere and I will never leave her alone, and that's the cause of her death. Your departure taught me a lot of things, awaken me up from the past and bring me to the future. A lot of times, the sweet moments shared between 2 people can only become memories, 有你一路的陪伴,心中除了感激,也没任何跟好的慰问. When you are gone, there is no more love between us, there is only sorrow and regrets. Be ensured that I wont stop at the time you left me, but that moment will not lose its value in my heart for I wont forget about it for the rest of my life, I will still learn how to love others, but I wont love another person as how I love you before, that love is for you and only you. How much help, entertainment and hard work you contributed to me, I will always, always, remember you.
Thursday's time table is the worst, 1 hour class, 2 hr break, then 2 hr class 1 hr break, tiring and boring. Eventhough the anime release is nice today, plus today is SUPPOSE to be the last day i stay here for the week.
Yea, the word is suppose, because there is a dumb exam in noon tmr zz. I hated programming, i cant understand anyshit, and microprocessor is just the mother of this shit. So now i have my 2 hour gap, i alrdy watch the new release during my previous 1 hr gap, well even u pay me to study i wont so give up on me.
I open impulsively, and the recommended anime was this, AnoHana, the flower we saw that day. I might not look like it but i am into romance series, or maybe slice of life, this type of so-call boring anime. Its only 11 episode, i have the time of my life anyway (its just a thursday) so i gave it a shot. And you know what, i was shot, KO. It is quite a famous anime, i had friends recommend me, and the ED soundtrack secret base was a hit song too few yrs back, because of all the new release i forgot about it, a 2-3 yrs old anime. The anime was beautiful, sad, lovely, 凄美 la. But its not exactly a love story, 3 guy 3 girl was together since young, and that summer, Memma died. And after a few yrs, Jintan can see her, but only he himself. While trying to grant her wish to let her rip, she help the other 5 to repair back their friendship.
Cos anaru like jintan, tsurumi like yukiatsu, but both guys like memma, and memma died, bye bye friendship. How they get back together, confess to each other, is too real.
Memma is kinda like jesus, she loves everyone, so there is quite a lot conflict between the others, every episode is cool, and the last 2 ep, shoo saaad ngai ulmost cried.
In the end, she rest in peace, successfully convey her feelings to everyone, and everyone manage to see her last moment.