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Friday, October 31, 2014
寂静的夜晚,回到自己的房间,睡不着。上个月发生的事情,大事小事,好事坏事,不停回首。我有时很希望我是比较笨一点的,i mean, 已经很笨了,再笨一点的,酱就不会想那么多多余的事情。紧张Internship 的事,其实是我妈比较紧张,每半天就问一次,为了敷衍她,写了很多信给很多公司,然后昨天有Talk,我打死都不会忘记,我上个礼拜看错日期白去一次,害到我被妈Ditch去了Penang,昨天听了才知道,学校已经安排好了,那我之前写的信... 他妈的... 星期3 傍晚拿到房间,是这个月最幸运的事,我开心到雨中漫步,哪里懂拜4来个🐝探记,还要是一窝蜂,我看到时傻了眼,然而有个强大的室友,用烟熏,搞定了。此房间绝对风水不好,这房间瞬间变了我最不幸运的事... 然后我室友跟女友XxXX多没做防范,好像Kena东东,他告诉我时,手上拿着我的水壶喝着,STD 会从口水传染吗?够力... 傍晚还要去看医生,I mean 他啦,我当然没事。最开心还是回家做宅男,听歌看动漫。最近看完了 Haikyuu,热血排球,搞到我有mood试了。然后还有Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso,听到 Original 的 twinkle2 little star by Mozart, jaw drop liao 一下。还有goose house 的音乐,beautiful voices. 从上个礼拜爬完山,到现在还是不够睡,不过睡不着... 偶尔会脚软,旧伤痛,每个早上都打瞌睡,还要听那些不懂他们在讲啥的lecture, 真是头痛,想COC 3G 还要背叛我,load 到的时候轮到battery 背叛我,干... 今天被JK叫去吃晚餐,说是他生日,我本来想说是ON的,然后问有谁,全部都不熟,当然我完全没问题,不管你那一个Fm我都可以较到,不过就突然不是很想去,临时放了他鸽子。我得跟上他们的话题,同时要讲些我平时没做的东西,可能还要喝酒,sry la 就算是你生日我都没脸给,paiseh. 我整个Gang只叫我一个,应该算是荣幸,but nvm la~ thx anyway. Time to slp, november is getting cold, take care~ LOL
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Today isnt a very good day, Had basketball matches yesterday and early in the morning got awake cos of grandma, she wake me up for nth, can u believe it? There goes my beautiful morning. I dont feel good, lost 2 matches yesterday, not because of godlike enemy, u can say its because of doglike teammates. I dont like to blame, its not my style, a lost game contains everyone's mistakes and a win game builds up by everyone's contribution. At least that was what i believed. I dont feel good, its something like girls got emo for a lot of complicating stuff, guys very simple one la. I cant scold anyone, i am not qualified, i have to take this grudge and demolish it in some way, well time wash stuffs away. I also believe time change a person, i nvr ones hold grudge because somehow i believe that person will change(except 2 homosapians somewhr lost in this planet), but how long my EQ can take? I have very fckin low EQ, IQ is another story dont lump them together. I just dont have a good memory so i tend to forget things fast, thats how i balance up my lack of EQ, but how bout we try another approach? so i stop playing with u, then i dont need to be angry of you? sounds like a good approach rite? u arent wrong, ur ego is ur source of confident in shooting, ur miss is because, i duno, wind blow? sun block? hand misposition? zhong zhi is not ur fault rite? u dont owe us a sry, i understand. Its all the rebounders fault, ur miss ball we cant save, sry for not being as tall as yao ming. u din pass to us is because u were too fast when u dribble thats why u dont pause to stable urself but u choose to throw the ball up (well this can be listed in top 3 worst reasons in mankind history) stop running, stand still, look, and pass, i nvr wana say this, but how hard is it to do it? how bout i tell u wat u thinking in mind?? I, am the best shooter in the team, i give u, u will miss anyway, might as well i sendiri throw up, more chance to score?? dont need explain la, kepala u simpan apa juice aku buta meh? u wan, u shoot la, janji u masuk, tapi problem is u tak masuk, but keep shoot. Hung is the no comment guy, i keep quiet, u 2 big small mother fcker jiu keep shoot la, keep miss, but still can keep shoot, 你妈的哪来的自信. I can score, but when u pass me the ball, ur 不是很甘愿 face shown up, u know i was like, ok i giv u back, then u shoot, u miss, i am outside, ur most hansom backup is outside bro, 看谁补你的锅. canot la, i am tired of this shit, bu shuang jiu bu yao liao la, i dont mind, our trust u take for granted, we giv u the honor to be the teams main character, 不是我们不可以,是我们让你, u buang peluang, we buang u. When i type til here, i will always think, is it my fault? it might had been my fault. I cant be the one who is always right? 这时矛盾的心情打断了我的思绪, 是不是时候回房反省? 一场游戏, 何须认真? wah canot type liao, 越打越觉得自己像女人, time to stop.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Since 2 weeks ago, i have been playin basketball everyday, so my routine is, mamak eat, bball, mamak drink, if its raining, means it will become mamak eat + drink. I cant believe how many packs of maggi and how many cups of teh i drank. Even though i noe that i will die early, come on la this is not the way man. My KG is reaching 60, or it has alrdy reach and is time to exceed 60, GG. If its raining, i will be either farming in d2 or farming in COC, i think it is more tiring than last sem's finals. Time to keep fit. I called ppl for basketball later, but its gonna rain again anyway, damn monsoon season. But i ate 2 pack of maggi goreng yesterday, last time i wont feel anything but after looking at some ppl, finally i got the urge to quit mamak. So i saw yi jie in fb asking me bball this weekend, i say lets see first since its gonna rain, he say if not he will go badminton. My 1st question is: got chau? I see positive answer, so means, NO! I dont hate badminton, i rather ply wif pik yin if there is chau, rite my beloved pik?? I nvr actually cared bout the skills, its the attitude. Yesterday played dota, plyed wif my friend and his cousin, while losing, he start to blame us, blame his cousin like all mighty, yea partially is my fault, but, is time to fight :D talk about foul language frm 8 types of nation, i wont lose to him in some stupid net fight. (so childish rite guys are) jiu shi bu shuang ni luan luan diao ren, u correct dou diao dao u wrong. I got so bored until i go read back conan manga, its ending anyway, boring, case after case ppl die and die and he solve and solve, last time was refreshing, got bored. Then waiting for the animes to release, this season i am chasing almost 10 series, but 1 week 1 episode is pure hell, i even start to watch sailormoon crystal (new one), last time sailor jupiter can strike tunder one meh??! this remake is no joke!! Every morning wake up wana eat breakfast bo kaki, lazy to out so stay at home alone, then noon hav to eat mamak again, GG this is too dramatic, better go eat smthn 1st.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
很闷的一天,见书架上有本连城诀,拿来看一看。平时全字的书,我连两页都看不完就睡了。这本看了200页,不懂是我闷还是书好看。狄云,男主角,师承戚长发,绝招是躺尸剑法。那天与师妹师父参加师伯生日,得罪他儿子,在50页里面从乡下人变强奸犯,师父变杀人犯,师妹?原来是那个Pokai儿子喜欢师妹,才想尽办法搞定男主角。男主角被打到 i duno how to describe, 两条链,四头钉,一端打在双肩,另一端到脚踝,我妈的酱不如去死?! 妈的看到我全身都痛,nt even the slightest helpful, 不过我还是看下去。在牢里遇上丁典,差不多一样Case。丁典看见戚长发和另外两个同门弑师,救了老师傅,死前传他连城诀心法,神照经。然后狄云自己原来在练着连成剑法的“唐诗剑法”,怪不得自己师父要弑师,唐诗变躺尸,这么久以来学了个屁武功,哈哈。不过让我感兴趣的是丁典的爱情故事💓。他喜欢上县官的女儿,但kononnya他样子像大便,但她样子像神仙,就是都爱花,讲花可以讲到白天黑夜,讲到❤️都出来。不出奇,我朋友那是每次做工跟他Supervisor看upin and ipin看到出火花,看花看到❤️一点都不出奇, gua... 他们无所不谈,没想到他笨到跟女的讲他有神照经口诀,facepalm. 那天见家长,县官下药,GG。他就这样坐了7年的牢,每天县官都派人进去Kacau他,到狄云来了,丁典以为狄云是县官派来的,又被hentam了一番... kesian... 做男主角做到这样,Win liao lo... But每天背窗的沟渠,女的,每一天,7年,都给他换花,还对丁典笑一下,但只有一眼,即刻转头,看见条仔坐牢,可以笑得出meh... 女友为了不嫁人,自行毁容 TT 他为了让女友开心,不杀县官。连续1个礼拜,没换花,丁典beh tahan, 爆墙壁,i was like, dafaq? why dont you do it earlier? 飞到县官家,看见棺材,哭了起来。尼玛被折磨7年,女友死了,县官Sohai在棺材上放毒,丁典去kiss棺材,end of the love story. 神照经,一掌可以干掉任何人的内功心法,竟然为了一个女子,甘心坐牢,女子为了等他,甘心毁容。不用看爱情小说,看金庸就够了咯。夏雪宜温仪,郭靖黄蓉,张无忌赵敏,fuaa 韩剧日剧给我靠边去哈哈, no offence LOL
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
从tioman回来后,整个人lembik到现在才像个人样,跳码头,不够睡,淋雨,昨天还去打球,左手扭伤,还要硬硬一个手打。现在发烧,伤风,头痛,两个肩膀痛,总之就是他妈的死不去就幸运了。两天的路程,又累,又无聊。从这里去KTM TBS,坐个6小时的巴士、到柔佛等船,再坐2小时船才到。12am的巴士,睡觉时间早就报销了。到那里,下午就有Activity了,到晚上,一点都不想睡,大家讲废话到3,4Am,他妈的7Am就要去snorkelling, 下着雨去,冷到X酱,因为是朋友姑姑门下的配套,竟然带我们去6个地方潜水,不用穿救生衣也没问题,他妈的整天就给了大海。晚上又睡不着,竟得搭6Am的船,下雨,浪大,睡不着是一回事,晕船,还有人擦不懂啥X药,那个味道,加那个动摇,没吐出来真是太强大了... Well 这些都不是重点,这次Trip是我大学唯一一个最亲的朋友 chris 召我去的,有9个人,除了Chris我一个都不认识。但去到哪里,从那天搭巴士到回家,我们都没说上30句话,反而跟其他6个熟了起来。他从头到尾都跟女友在一起。不是你不可以拍拖,我也不介意你重色轻友,但尼玛的酱的女朋友,mana boleh pakai?! 24/7 抱着他,一开始你觉得他们好浪漫,看久了就是烦,Chris当然不以为然,每次想开口跟他谈天,女友就来抱抱,岔开话题。这种占有欲,好恐怖哦... 完全就想尽办法让男友隔绝,连 Chris妹妹看了都想吐,咱们哥儿都差点忍不住了。那天晚上,Chris 说配套贵了,得加RM30,食物自付,我们不了解为何食物得自付,于是就叫到房间大家一起讨论,那8婆突然敲门,走了进来,就这样抱着Chris,不是我们妒嫉,不过你他妈的还真不会选时间,金钱瓜葛,男人讲话,进来听是一回事,你来Kacau就不对,结果被我们轰走了,关门好大力... 讨论完后Chris还要飞出去哄她。Bitch Pls... 俗语说宁教人打仔,莫教人分妻,但是我身为你朋友,我会尽我所能,让你跟这缅甸八婆分手,以免你后悔一世。在大考当晚,书没读完,竟然得跟她通电到5am,过分. 他很喜欢炫耀他跟女友在床上Rock的事情,那晚追出去时,哄一哄变成了A片。我心想,有得干,你啥妹子都吃得下么?盲的都看得出你女友 abit problem lo, 如果不是因为我够友善,两天就这样自己一人过,死不死啊? Well still, 这里很美,不会后悔来。
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